Minicon 5! May 4th 2019

May the 4th be with you! Episode 5: Return of the Minicon. Something like that. Anyways, the celebration of all things nerdy returns to Vintage Toy Mall this May 4th. Price of Admission: FREE All ages welcome, kid friendly event. When: May 4th, 2019, 5pm to 10pm”ish”   Festivities start at 5 P,M. shop inside […]

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Announcement: Under New Management!

Big announcement: Vintage Toy Mall is Under New Management!Our customers will be pleasantly greeted by a brand new Face at the toy store instead of an unpleasant Mask.We also have a great new layout and gaming area, so those of you scared off by the “creepy” employees of the past will have several reasons to […]

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Vintage Toy Mall Partners with Tokyo in Tulsa

Ever been to a convention and seen some cool gear well now is your chance. Vintage Toy Mall and Tokyo in Tulsa have partnered to bring you Con Gear. Con Gear is your second chance to get the swag from the show. TNT has uploaded product from their inventory that spans 10 years. They will […]

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